Young or old, in fact, the human body susceptible to various diseases. Therefore, your body needs proper care in order not to rapid disease attack. Instead of asking profits after taking supplements, it is time for smart choose healthy foods.
Natural foods can help maintain health and heal your body in a way that is completely safe. CAREF alarming spread of some diseases can be cured with healthy foods.
Cataract Disease
Did you know that when you take vitamin E intake of foods as a supplement does not - this can help to measure cataract disease. Recipe can then meet their daily needs rich in vitamin E, fiber, B vitamins, especially B2 and niacin (B3). The solution is nuts cereal.
Simply mix some of the following ingredients in a large bowl, ie, ½ cup raw almonds, 4 cups wheat cereal and sunflower oil ¼ cup of seeds. Once evenly mixed, you can divide it into six parts in a small plastic bag, and every time you need a sandwich you just ate.
Disease Insomnia
If you can not sleep, you need something to calm the mind. Mango, banana and ricotta cheese with less fat is the answer. The following recipe contains tryptophan and carbohydrates.
Tryptophan is an amino acid types to promote the production of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is known to function creates a sense of calm, sleep and rest. Addition of carbohydrates in the diet helps move more quickly to the brain amino acids so that the results you want faster.
The trick, grab a ripe mango, peeled, then diced, add 2 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons ricotta cheese and ½ teaspoon of mint. Stir the mixture until smooth. Then, as a sweetener, add the top of the cup with a piece of banana, mango and mint. Now you are ready for healthy beverage consumption.

Our children eat fast food a hobby when you take her to the mall. Care, a type of fatty food can be addictive as heroin and cocaine in his body.
drink soda, cheesecake or fried chicken can make a little chubby and then turning it into a drug addict. A new study has found that fatty foods can bring delicious and addictive as cocaine and heroin. As of Nydailynews okezone nukil.
Florida Scientists seek cause of obesity, by allowing the laboratory rat gnawing on a sweet cake, pork and sausage. The result, they found that the rats experienced addiction, like the response observed in the brains of mice.
To maintain a high intake of fat, the mice received more foods rich in fat, until they are obese during the research process.
One researcher, Paul Kenny, the Scripps Research Institute, said he suspected that the chemical changes that occur in the rats to eat unhealthy foods can also occur in humans.
"There are systems in the brain that are activated or too active, and controls the body on a subconscious level. Obesity is a form of compulsive eating habits," he wrote in the journal Nature Neuroscience.
And just like heroin addicts, food addicts rats is not blocked by the threat of the disease. Like when the researchers stimulated rats foot shock, do not feel pain, and only stopped from undermining the activities of food. "His focus is solely on food," said Kenny.
Findings like Scripps scientists try to describe what Dr. Gene-Jack Wang of Brookhaven Lab on Long Island National. "We're making our food very similar to cocaine now," he said in health.com. "We are very" clean "food. Our ancestors ate whole grains, but we eat white bread. American corn flour, corn syrup ate."
Two-thirds of American adults and one third of children believed to be obese or overweight. This condition causes the U.S. government should bear the cost of around USD150 billion annually.http://lifestyle.okezone.com/read/2010/04/02/196/318768/makanan-berlemak-bisa-jadi-candu

Many people think, chocolate contains calories that are not good for health, especially for those with problems with weight gain and acne. Turned out that these assumptions are wrong, instead of chocolate good for the heart. What article?
The researchers said that eating a bar of chocolate a day can reduce the risk for heart attacks and strokes lower. Only by eating a small square of chocolate every day can help lower your blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. This launched a Health Day, Wednesday (31/3/2010).
After analyzing the eating habits and health of 19,357 people from 35 to 65, during the period of 10 years, researchers in Germany found those who eat large amounts of chocolate (an average of 7.5 grams, or 0.3 ounces a day) had a low blood pressure. In addition, people who regularly eat chocolate every day had a 39 percent lower risk of heart attack than those who ate less cocoa (an average of 1.7 gram or 0.06 ounces per day).
"If 39 percent lower risk described in the population, the number of heart attacks and strokes are highly preventable," said lead researcher Dr. Brian Buijsse, a nutritional epidemiologist at the Institute of Human Nutrition, Germany.
According to investigators, six grams of chocolate equivalent to a small square approximately 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of chocolate bars. But Buijsse reminded that eating chocolate will not increase the total consumption of calories that a person or to reduce the consumption of healthy foods.
"The chocolate into small pieces, may help prevent heart disease. But with the notes to replace other high-energy foods as snacks. How to keep your weight stable," said Buijsee.
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