Did you know that banana lectins that can recognize and prevent menjangkitnya virus in the body contains. Lectins on banana effective enough to epidemics of HIV prevention through sexual intercourse, by applying on the genitals.
You know, the banana is known as one of the foods that give energy. Banana is a fruit that is full of food, which contains almost no fat and easily digestible. Bananas contain minerals, potassium and carbohydrates are high enough energy to do activities for 90 minutes non-stop it. Cholesterol-free bananas. Bananas contain three natural sugars, sucrose, fructose and glucosa. Not only that, the fruit that grows in tropical climates help to solve and prevent some types of diseases and health problems. Banana is a fruit often used by athletes because it has advantages to the energy increase.
In general, the nutrients each fruit ripe banana is 99 calories, 1.2 grams protein, 0.2 grams fat, 25.8 mg carbohydrates, 0.7 grams of fiber, calcium 8 mg, 28 mg phosphorus, iron 0 , 5 mg, 3 mg of vitamin C and 72 grams of water. Some types of them (Musa acuminata, Musa and Musa Balbisiana Xparadisiaca) produce fruit that can be directly consumed. Virtually all bananas are yellow skin when ripe. There are also a number of them are orange, red, purple or almost black.
According to Dr. Natalia Emmy, Klilnik Nutrition Specialist, Nutrition Poly Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, bananas have a very good nutrients such as energy supply is quite high compared to other fruits. "Bananas are a very good nutrients such as energy supply is quite high compared to other fruit bauah. Bananas are rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and calcium. Bananas also know that vitamins C, B complex, B6 and works as a neurotransmitter serotonin in the functioning of the brains, "he explained. Natalia continued, bananas contain a very much needed brains. "Bananas were good enough alternative for providing energy in times of rest or pause, at the time of the brains in desperate need of a quick energy available for biological activity," he added.
But remember, protein and fat content of bananas was not good and is very low, only 2.3 percent and 0.13 percent. However, fat and protein content of bananas are still higher than the apple, which is only 0.3 percent. "The value of bananas energy around 136 calories per 100 grams, which as a whole comes from carbohydrates. Banana calorific value twice higher than the apple. Apples with the same weight (100 grams) contains only 54 calories," said Dr. Emmy.
Banana Carbohydrates provide energy more slowly than sugar and syrup, but is faster than rice, biscuits, and a kind of bread. Therefore, many athletes during breaks or eating bananas as energy reserves. Energy content of the banana is instant energy, that are readily available in a short time, so useful in providing the caloric needs for a moment. "Carbohydrates banana is moderately complex carbohydrates and are available in phases, so to supply energy at a time not too fast. Carbohydrate reserves of energy that the banana is very well used and can quickly be made available to the body," he said .
Sugar banana is fruit sugar, comprising fluktosa a lower glycemic index than glucose, thus it is very good at capturing energy for a slower metabolism. "After hard work or think, always happen drowsiness. This situation is a sign of the brains energy deficit so that the biological activity also decreased," he said.
According to Natalia, eating half a banana every day will be sufficient for the body to vitamin B6. Eating foods rich in potassium and vitamin B6, especially fresh banana (not cooked plantain bananas) can also be pain, tenderness and pain relief in the joints. Banana eating 3-4 times a day can help reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (arthritis).
A medium banana contains 467 mg of potassium, that 13 percent of the daily potassium sufficiency. The data show that taking potassium in the body associated with blood pressure lowering effects. In 2001 the FDA (Food and Drug Administration; nature of POM in the U.S.), agreed that the foods that are a source of potassium and low sodium may increase the risk of elevated blood pressure.
The New England Journal of Medicine even stated that eating a banana a day may reduce risk of stroke by 40 percent. If you feel lethargic, take and eat bananas. "Sugar sauté (belonging to simple carbohydrates), will be easily digested and circulation, resulting in instant energy. Moreover, the supply of potassium of bananas, muscle tissue will re-powered for some time before the body's energy to obtain major food crisis, "he explained.
For pregnant women, the bananas are best eaten as they contain folic acid is readily absorbed by the fetus from the uterus. But do not overdo it. Because, a banana contains about 85-100 calories. For patients Anemis, just eat two bananas a day. Bananas are rich in iron, the production of hemoglobin (red blood cells) to encourage and overcome the pressure because it contains a relatively high potassium and low in salt. So, make the blood, the better.
Preventing HIV Research experts give substance that has a potential barrier to HIV infection. The result of this discovery is expected to a new window on HIV infection prevention therapy, which so far have not found a remedy to open. Researchers at the University of Michigan Medical School are interested in lectins, a chemical that occurs naturally in plants the ability to chain different types of infections stop. Results of laboratory studies have shown, in the banana lectins as effective as anti-HIV drugs at this time.
A new way to stop the spread of HIV is essential. Today, new HIV infections is greater than the number of people receiving antiretroviral drugs, ie 2.5: 1. In fact, there are no signs of an HIV vaccine will be available in the near future. Nowadays the use of condoms is still prevention of HIV transmission is most effective when used consistently and correctly. Another way to effective prevention is to prevent transmission through the vagina and rectum using a drug that can prevent HIV entry into target cells.
Research conducted by researchers at Michigan University shows how the lectins that can recognize the attack from outside the body like a virus. Besides having the same potential anti-HIV drugs currently available, lectins on the banana is also cheaper to produce as a drug that can reach the wider community. Lectins from banana is supposed to be more effective when used in preventive medicine component in current virus in the genitals or anus.
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