1. Ketchup
Men who eat plenty of tomatoes, tomato sauce, or pizza with tomato, has been to protect against prostate cancer. The Harvard research team, said men who ate tomato sauce two to four times per week had a risk of prostate cancer 35% lower. Interestingly, tomato juice does not have the same khaziat. This is due to absorption of anticancer agent in tomatoes make more if cooked with oil. So your doctor will tell you to eat here a lot of pizza!
2. Oyster
Myth says that oysters are the food of love. Science agrees. The consumption of two to three oysters provide enough iron, an important mineral for male reproductive system.
3. Broccoli
A Harvard study showed that broccoli may protect against bladder cancer. The scientists analyzed the eating patterns of 50 000 men and found those who ate five or more servings of broccoli had half the risk is lower for bladder cancer.
4. Peanut butter
If men want to have a healthy heart, make bread with peanut butter for breakfast! Heart disease is the leading cause of death in men and women, but men tend to be infected at younger ages. "Peanut butter is high in fat, but this is a good fat," said a research team from the University of Pennsylvania. This type of fat reduces triglycerides without lowering good cholesterol levels. Just do not apply too thick on the bread. Very high-calorie peanut butter!
5. Watermelon
Watermelon contains a lot of potassium, minerals that can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke. A slice of watermelon has more potassium than bananas or orange juice. So starts cutting watermelon for a snack on a hot day!
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