Catherine Saxelby has healthy eating tips to the brain more.
- brain power
- 6 ways to feed your brain
1. Make breakfast a daily habit
2. Brain glucose fuel
3. Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids
4. Water and Hydration
5. Theanine tea
6. Iron to transport oxygen
As a nation, we are living longer, but how we can maintain our brain function and in the twilight years, they cling to the memory, increase alertness and concentration, and enhance our mood.
Before you throw money away from the promises of extra sure, stop and see what you eat. You'll be surprised how it feels and thinks when he gives your brain, eyes and nervous because they need to function best.
Brain Power
A strong body, our brain is responsible for the coordination of almost all our body processes. And while it represents only 2 percent of our body weight, it requires about 25 percent of kilojoules (calories) we consume continue.
6 ways to feed your brain
1. Make breakfast a daily habit
The brain must have a regular supply of fuel to function properly. After 8 to 10 hours of sleep, your brain is screaming to be fed. Failure to listen to this call and we will pay the price - nutritional researchers have found eating breakfast to concentrate better and more efficient in the workplace who skip breakfast.
For children, there is no doubt that breakfast is a necessity. Children who skip breakfast less alert during daylight hours and have difficulty concentrating on tasks requiring memory and prolonged mental effort. Teachers are often difficult for a math class in the morning program for children should eat something before class. factory workers who skip breakfast has even been found to be more vulnerable to accidents and have a lower production output compared with those who have something to eat in the morning.
Therefore, make a habit has a quick bowl of cereal grain with low-fat milk in the morning or toast with peanut butter or cheese. If you have to run to the door, wrap sandwiches the night before to eat on the train or bus. If children can not cope with the food in the morning, a glass of milk or milk with MILO ® or ACT-Vite is better than none.
2. Brain glucose fuel
While most of the body can use many different fuels, the brain relies on glucose only. But unlike the muscles, the brain can not keep their own glucose which depends on continuous supply of blood circulation.
Depriving the brain of glucose and will be hard to concentrate, feeling tired, irritable and even light headed. Diet in the diet without carbohydrates (such as Atkins) can be familiar with these symptoms and should be regarded as a sign of a balanced diet.
carbohydrate food quality brains and what needed to be the best option is to grains and low GI type (pasta, bread wheat, fruits and temperate vegetables.) This ensures a constant supply of glucose in the blood to feed your brain.
3. Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids
Brain high-fat with fat is the dominant long-chain omega-3 called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). This study further supports the omega-3 fatty acids in maintaining good brain function - especially in preventing Alzheimer's disease and depression.
Omega-3 fats are important - we can do ourselves to what to get for what we eat. The best source of omega-3 is fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, blue-eyed trevalla, sardines and tuna (check the label - only some brands of tuna rich in omega-3). Try to eat two or three meals of fish a week, including canned, frozen and fresh. If you can not or do not eat fish, fish oil capsule every two days is a good idea.
4. Water and Hydration
The brain should be well hydrated to perform your best. Nutritionists recommend drinking about 8 glasses of fluid a day, more if the weather is wet or has been sweating. Fluid intake should be 100 per cent water, but drinking water is ideal because it is cheap and free kilojoules. Other fluids such as weak tea, tea, broth, diluted juice and sugar-free drinks are also taken into account in 8 cups.
5. Theanine tea
If you are looking for a hit of caffeine to pick you up, skip the coffee and energy drinks - is a tea that has the advantage over other drinks increase concentration and fatigue.
Tea has been valued for its ability to both relax and refresh. Now scientists have discovered that contain a natural compound called theanine unique that can help you through complex tasks, such as changes in attention and to ignore distractions (the things that we all have to do today with multitasking.)
Research shows that tea is a combination of theanine with low levels of caffeine which is the key - theanine appears to work with caffeine to enhance their positive impact on the speed and accuracy, mental fatigue and exhaustion. And that does not interfere with sleep at night like that caffeine is not pure.
You do not need to drink a lot - 2 to 3 cups a day (regular or green tea) is all you need.
6. Iron to transport oxygen
Along with glucose, the brain consumes too much oxygen the body. Iron is an essential mineral that is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body, so that when the short supply, the oxygen level in the fall of the brain. Women and girls are vulnerable to iron deficiency.
Keeping the hardware store topped with red meat 3 or 4 times a week. Another option if you do not eat meat for breakfast cereals are fortified with iron and dark green leafy vegetables like spinach or Chinese cabbage. Combined with foods rich in vitamin C such as orange juice, chili and tomatoes to enhance the absorption of iron from meat sources.