Friday, October 15, 2010

The Onion May Prevent Hypertension

Do you, eating onions can prevent hypertension. At least, he eats four times a week. Therefore, your blood pressure is stable. In addition, onions are also tested to beautify the skin. Remember, the best in the making is in a natural state.

You have often heard or read the slogan Back to Nature, who often campaign on a range of advice and the media. Everything is, of course, blamed as the trigger of the increasing number of tragic death. Fear of deadly diseases such as attacks that contain excessive doses of cholesterol on the trigger. Not to mention the other deadly diseases that is now a serious threat to human life.

appropriate solution if you look at consumption and diet. Natural back is the most logical way to reduce the risk of death was tragic. Onions have been used by the Egyptians and Indians 4,000 years ago.
Once there, should be 9 tons of gold to buy the onion as food for the workers making the pyramids. At that time the onion is believed to be the source of energy. Hippocrates, a physician of ancient Greece called "Dungari or onions, such as diuretics or pneumonia medication and wound healing.

East of onion or garlic in the same line with the red onion (Allium cepa L). The difference is not too flashy, but the shape and smell or aroma. He has a bulb made of layers of the base of the leaves / layers that expand and unite to form the silver stem and tuber. The same plant has a root cylindrical hollow fiber sheets.


The onion is not the content of allicin, amino acids, calcium, manganese, sodium, sulfur, vitamin C, vitamin E, essential oils, quercetin and curcumin. Based on research, the materials contained in the onion has a benefit to suppress the levels of blood cholesterol, increasing the amount of HDL (good cholesterol) by 30 percent, improve blood vessel constriction and hypertension, relieve colds, relieve abdominal pain, low blood sugar, prevent cancer, prevent insulin solution in the liver, stimulates the production of insulin by the pancreas and suppress the attack of osteoporosis.

The main substance of onions, allicin, provide benefits to stabilize blood pressure. "Abortion much. The most important is the allicin that is useful for ngontrol blood sugar, anti-cholesterol and anti-inflammatory. The significance of this inflammation is a reaction of the body due to over-stimulation from the outside," said Dr. Samuel Oetoro, MS, SpGK of Semanggi Specialist Clinic, The Plaza Semanggi Lt.7, Jakarta, East.

onion plant can be considered as an antibiotic for their ability to kill germs and prevent inflammation of the mouth and digestive system. Some sources even consider garlic has the ability to heal, in this case as a mild heart disease, blood clots and cancer prevention.

In general, onions can withstand the increased blood sugar, works to reduce cholesterol and has antioxidant properties. "This momentum can also be bacterial viruses, also could be harmful to the body or free radicals. This causes inflammation rather than infection. This is what damage the blood vessels so that slowly damages the blood vessel wall if high cholesterol levels who cling to the walls of blood vessels and accumulate slowly giving rise to an obstruction. Being a heart attack, "he said.

Onions, continued Dr. Samuel, is very well made for diabetics. In addition, onions contain sulfur. Sulfur is what controls the levels of blood sugar. "He also contain sulfur cluster, this is a useful group to control levels of blood sugar, in addition to these onions that contain more substance whose name chromium. Well, this chrome according to several studies showed that levels of blood sugar mengendalika. But the results of his inquiry has not been too strong. But because kromiumnya derived from natural ingredients, so sure. Stay there plusnya value, "he said.

Chromium plays the prevention of diabetes mellitus as the sulfur component, a component that plays an important role in lowering blood glucose. The sulfur compounds in onions are synergy with chromium and vitamin B6 to reduce homocysteine levels in the blood.

The components of isothiocyanates, which are also found in broccoli, can inhibit cancer cells. These components are derived from compounds glukosinolates have experienced a change after the onion chopped, chewed and digested. Onions also contain flavonoids that are very good components to prevent colon cancer. "Because free radical control. Why did the antioxidant effect, because it carried the group of chemicals called isothiocyanates. Well this is the sense that they contain antioxidants," she said while reviewing a smile.

In addition, onions are good for women as an antioxidant. "For beauty? Clearly dong. If the process can be enhanced antioxidant free radicals, skin and skin tidah berflek sunny. For the skin, eat half a clove per day," he continued.

Onions are very good when consumed regularly. So how to eat properly the onions? "You should eat 4 times a week regularly. Creating a course of treatment can not. Only for prevention only. To maintain a healthy body is a nice bonus. All the food was so hot antioxidant lost," he said.

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