European type menu that you like? Croissant, fettuccini, or zuppa soup? Incidentally it's all in the Cafe Francais Bon, a café that serves French and other European countries.
As we all know, Bon Café Francais is the new name of the cafeteria Oh La La. This nomenclature has changed over the past four months. Store Manager Bon Café Francais Refan Eldo says, there is no special reason for the name change. And, most importantly, the quality of the taste of food and beverages at the coffee remains the same, nothing changes.
Although coffee has changed its name, but its operation is not experiencing problems. Only, according to Eldo, the first time a Bon Café Francais starts, which had been a slight decrease in traffic levels. Many customers are confused and wondering what this coffee. Therefore, to be more familiar to visitors, the manager put staff at the entrance of Café Bon Francais potential clients to know the name change.
"Even so, some customers remain highly competitive service not the name change. If they ask for our part must be something to explain, but not the details," the man with glasses.
To remain a safe place in the hearts of loyal visitors, the manager of Bon Café Francais apply some "strategy." Strategic service market, among others, does not change the taste of food or beverages are served. Furthermore, in terms of price, this coffee is also very affordable.
According to Eldo, the price of a part of its strategy to gain market share. "You see, if sales in an office area with prices that are too expensive will not be sold. But, despite our low prices, of course, is for the support of a taste quality of food and beverages," adds Eldo.
Bon Café Francais croissant privileges menu is different from the cafe most of which also sell food on the French. "In a way, this includes the first coffee sells croissants with cream inside," said Eldo. As you know, bread, croissant stuffed in general do not have the contents of alias.
For this type of croissant, Bon Café Francais offers six flavors, ie UA pastrami croissants, croissants poulet AU, AUS Fromages croissants, croissants, hot dogs, banana croissants and almond croissants.
Othe menu you are trying to include Katsu chicken fettuccini. This menu is categorized as "family" of pasta with chicken. Chicken Katsu exist in this dish a cursory glance as Risola. Only difference is the content, ie in the form of boneless chicken pieces are breaded. Try the cream cheese sauce combined with so tempting. Hmm. It seems very fitting for the language.
Other interesting dish called chicken wings Thai fries. The main menu contains several pieces of chicken with potatoes. For presentation, the chicken was always covered with a tasty sauce Bon Café Francais wing. Also do not miss the soup zuppa menu. This menu is always looking for one for visitors. As we all know, the soup of the soup zuppa is that the menu at the top because of the puff pastry. Puff pastry is made to cover the surface of the soup bowl. To enjoy it, there are two ways you can do. First, cut the sheets a little, then dip the dough had been in the soup, then enjoyed. Another way is by mixing all the puff pastry in a bowl of soup, then eat.
As an appetizer, Bon Café Francais recommended circular menu. Pie has three options presented here tastes: almond cake, pear tart, and fresh fruit tart. While the menu for cover, you can try a salad of Bon Café Francais. Varian salad that you can select which is the green salad, salad blackpepper beef, tuna salad, chic blackpepper salad, salad, teriyaki, salad, cheese, meat and salads. "Meat salad and tuna salad become the favorite to cover most of the menu at this coffee," said Eldo.
In the list of drinks on the menu, there is considerable variation. From various types of coffee, fruit juices, drinks to the creations of Bon Café Francais wing. The menu is a value that is trying to mix mint ice. This refreshing drink for you amateur sour taste. Composites original mint leaves, then mixed with lemon juice and soda.
"This drink is classified as very acidic. Therefore, for those who do not like acid, usually also serve as sugar, but in separate places. Thus, visitors can mix their own drinks to taste," said Eldo.
That is no less interesting is the cranberry juice. This sweet drink tastes almost like black forest cake. cranberry juice made from real cranberries combined with soda, so purplefish so the color of the juice. For your coffee buff, this café also offers this type of beverage. Type, among others, ice cappuccino, latte, cappuccino hot, black coffee and coffee with milk.