The apples had always known as nutrient-rich fruits. There is even a saying: "An apple a day keep the doctor away." Saying that is not excessive. A recent study found a component of apple pectin is able to increase the amount of good bacteria in the gut.
A microbiologist at the University of Danish National Food Institute to test the effects of apple consumption by rats fed on apples, or eaten immediately or as juice.
The experts then examined the intestinal bacteria in rats. It turned out that the number of good bacteria in their intestines increases. Good bacteria is not only beneficial for digestive tract health, but also reduce the risk of some diseases. According to a study published in the journal BMC Microbiology.
Substance called pectin, also believed to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in our body. In addition, an apple contains about 8 mg vitamin C.
In addition to the intestines, the effectiveness of the block that may also meet in the teeth. When we eat an apple, the apple flavor will stimulate our salivary glands to produce more saliva, which can "wash" the teeth of bacteria.
In the rainy season, prone diseases such as influenza now can also count on our apples. In substance in apples called quercetin, a substance that can destroy the flu virus when the body was unable. Besides apples, the flu virus-fighting substances are also found in onions, broccoli, and tea.

Red meat and cancer, as compared friends. Various literature states dangers of eating too much flushed meat. One of them is causing cancer. But how could the flushed meat to cause cancer?
Health recommendations that say meat causes cancer, a conclusion derivative from individual studies of European populations in the 1990s. The study showed that people who often take more meat with cancer compared with vegetarians.
Since then, numerous studies continue to learn more about the impact of meat for health. There are individual hypotheses about this, including reducing the meat fiber, antioxidants and other essential nutrients that hit proved effective to counteract the cancer cells.
Also contains a lot of flushed meat and fat are often additional hormones in livestock products, this will increase the cancer-causing hormones, such as breast cancer or prostate cancer. Meat is also high in protein, and protein will break down ammonia, which is carcinogenic in humans.
Meat grilled in high temperatures can also lead to cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogenic) as hetercycil amines (HCA) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Studies in mice showed these compounds are carcinogenic.
Types of meat
Various literature mentions flushed meat increases cancer risk. Meat to watch include beef, sheep, goats, pigs, and processed meats.
In addition to type of meat, is also noteworthy cooking process. Meat is processed in a very high temperature, either fried or baked to produce large amounts of HCA. Cooking in a long time, like cooking a steak, can also cause carcinogenic compounds.
To reduce the risk of cancer, experts recommend replacing activity of flushed meat with albescent meat. Another alternative is to choose organic meat or meat derivative from animals without giving center dikembangbiakan antibiotics or hormones.

At this steak house is not only the old era atmosphere is maintained, but also taste the food. Sliced beef on top HOTPLATE, poured homemade chocolate sauce is tasty, fragrant. French fries, carrots and broccoli setup complete this beef steak. Dinner rolls flavored soft butter became penyempurna view of this legendary steak!
If you want to eat steak in Jakarta was not difficult. Many restaurants offer this western menu. From the premium five-star steak house steak to five-foot shop. However, keep the taste of the afternoon, I just want to enjoy a steak old era style.
Actually what I want to taste again is mama bread and dinner bread from Gandy Bakery located in Menteng. Mama soft bread with sweet butter spreads tasty indeed never unparalleled elsewhere. Likewise with a long dinner bread, soft butter with a punch strong aroma.
This bakery is on the right, right in front of the stairs at the Gandy Steak House & Modern Bakery is. At the top, there is a lunch restaurant was pretty crowded visitors. Although coupled with various types of fresh bread, mama bread, and dinner bread, and chocolate bread still available, with green-red packaging as before.
Steak house that since 1980 there was almost no change in the interior view. Shades of black with red, black berompi servants still appear as often as I used to come to dinner with the family. Hiss HOTPLATE watered containing steak sauce, butter-flavored smoke evaporating the haurm tasty. Hmm .. very intriguing!
View menu, there were many changes made. For steak there is the option of U.S. beef, Australia, Wagyu and local levels. Options typical Japanese dish also started included as shabu-shabu, and teriyaki. So, do not have to eat steak, but a complete Western-style food Japanese restaurant also available.
Oh, yes Salad Bar is now also on the side of this restaurant. There is a wide choice of salad ingredients can be formulated alone as tomatoes, sweet corn, cucumbers, peppers, potatoes, alfafa bean sprouts, lettuce and salad ingredients such as pasta salad, smoked beef salad and potato salad. This menu can be taken alone and formulated to taste in small bowl available.
Before steak served dinner served 2 pieces of bread with a small cup of butter. Bread soft, smooth and warm. The more comfortable when dicocol butter. Gandy steak which I presented a message on the HOTPLATE. Waitress brought the steak but not placed on a trolley and pushed. Sauce will be poured when placed on the table.
One plate was of French fries, carrots and broccoli setup and sliced tomatoes, served to complement this steak. Rather thick piece of meat, served with mushroom slices sprinkled with chocolate sauce. This sauce is compounded kahs Gandy, brown, with some butter and a strong beef broth. I suspect this is gravy buttered meat is very tasty, so delicious with a strong sense of flesh.
Tender beef with pepper aroma strong enough, when dicocol with savory sauce was more gentle. A few slices of chewy mushroom is placed under the steak. Not much different from the ordered steak combo my friend. Steak, chicken and fish are served in one of this HOTPLATE PANIR wrapped and fried flour dry.
Sliced mushrooms and sauce steak cokelatpun complements this dish. Slices of chicken meat and fish are not too thick creamy soft feel. Savory accents taste and aroma of teak pepper excessive make it taste good steak. The inside of the chicken meat was too dry, too was very tasty, delicious.
Frankly with the sense of a classic dish is able to miss meals dispelled past. Especially when home, my mom had to buy bread and bread dinner my mother's favorite. Unfortunately there were no major bakcang full of meat and ongol-tanned ongol legit!

In a variety of energy drinks advertising, often described as the person who drank it becomes stronger, even able to push the truck that nearly fell into the abyss. Is it true that energy drinks can increase the power?
Energy drink on the market in general, contain caffeine and taurine. Judging from its structure, the two compounds were not the source of energy molecules.
In addition, energy drinks contain too much sugar that it can increase the energy. Combination materials in energy drinks may stimulate the central nervous system to trigger the reactions of metabolism (energy production) in the muscle.
Mechanism through neural activation that produces the acceleration of heart rate to pump blood and oxygen, while stimulating increased blood sugar levels. This reaction will be more active with the addition of vitamins.
Unfortunately, the resulting energy was temporary, nothing more than a few hours. Therefore, more appropriate energy drink called energy stimulant.
Which must be understood is a side effect of the content of energy drinks. For example, high sugar content can cause obesity. In addition, caffeine has several effects, such as faster heart rate, blood pressure increases, and increases blood flow to the muscles. It is certainly dangerous for people with heart disease.
If you want to add energy as they often feel tired or lack of concentration, consider choosing a healthier way to restore energy. For example, by getting enough sleep, moderate exercise, or eating nutritious foods. This strategy not only to produce energy, but also maintain the physical and psychological fitness in the long run.
Source: kompas.com
If you are like most Americans, you get about 5 pounds since Thanksgiving. Each holiday season small-indulgence may seem like no big deal at the time, but added all together, they create a perfect storm for a juggernaut of swing. Do not believe us? Consider thermal damage of typical work-weekly holiday party, with buffet tables lined with goodies and treats; cookies and cakes delivered by your well-intentioned neighbors and seasonal beverages , from lagers to ram holiday-spiked eggnogs, you had to wash down the hundreds of extra calories in, well, hundreds of extra calories. It is no wonder Baby New Year always makes his debut toting a gargantuan gut!
In 2010, vow to eat better-not less, just better. Add 9 best foods for weight loss in your daily (or weekly) diet, and watch the pounds melt immediately. The best-selling weight Eat this series, do not! shows you how to make a weight-loss resolution worth sticking to.
Full-Fat Cheese
Dairy product that is a great source of casein protein - one of the best muscle building nutrients you can eat. What's more, Danish researchers found that even when people ate 10 ounces of full-fat cheese daily for 3 weeks, their LDL ( "bad") cholesterol did not budge.
Bonus tip: See the cheese which won the distinction of "best" in the annual 125 Best Supermarket Food Awards.
Pork Chops
Per gram of protein, pork chops contain approximately five times the selenium - an essential mineral linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer - the beef, and twice that of chicken. At Purdue researchers found that a 6-ounce serving daily that helped people keep their muscle while losing weight.
Iced Coffee
Coffee reduces your appetite, increase your metabolism, and gives you a shot of antioxidants. A study published in the journal Physiology & Behavior found that the average metabolic rate of people who drink caffeinated coffee was 16 percent higher than those who drink decaf. Caffeine stimulates your central nervous system by increasing your heart rate and breathing. Honestly, can be a more perfect drink? Furthermore, frequent mini servings of caffeine (coffee 8 ounces or less) keep awake, alert and focused for longer than an elephant is one, according to sleep experts. When quickly drink a large coffee, the caffeine in your bloodstream peaks much earlier than spread it over time. Start your day with coffee 8 ounces (the "short" size is available by request at Starbucks). Or, ask a large half caf. Then keep the caffeine lightly stream of lunchtime cappuccino (it's got only 75 mg, with a quarter of what you want to get a coffee 16 ounces).
Bonus tip: Do not derail your diet. See our indespensible list of 20 Worst Drinks in America.
In a recent study, Louisiana State University scientists discovered that people who eat half a grapefruit three times a day lost 4 pounds in 12 weeks, though they deliberately changed in any other part of their diets . Although mechanism is not clear, the researchers speculate that the orange acidity can slow your rate of digestion, helping to keep the whole of.
Turns out, an apple a day can also keep the extra weight away. Penn State researchers discovered that people who eat a large apple 15 minutes before the lunch took 187 fewer calories during lunch than those who do not snack first. (The apple is around 128 calories.) What's more, they reported feeling Fuller afterward, too. Sure, fruit is loaded into the belly-filling fiber, but there is another reason Apple help you think the whole: it requires more chewing, which can make you think you eat more than you really are, says study author Julie Obbagy, Tel. D.
Skip the cold cereal: Eating eggs and bacon in the morning can help you control your hunger later in the day. Indiana University scientists found that dieters who immediately their biggest dose of daily protein for breakfast felt full longer than ate more of the beneficial lunch or dinner. The outcome: "They are more likely to overeat the rest of the day," says study author Heather Leidy, Ph.D. To dispel hunger, shoot for at least 20-30 grams of protein at breakfast.
Bonus tip: Just because it's made with eggs are not good for you-see our worst omelet list of 20 worst Restaurant Foods in America in 2009.
If you are not a legume lover, consider this: the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, scientists found that people quickly beans are 23 percent less likely to have large waists than those who said They do not eat them. The bean eaters in the survey also tended to have lower systolic blood-pressure measurements, research says Victor Fulgoni III, Ph.D. Beans are rich in belly-filling fiber as well as potassium, which helps fight hypertension. Aim for half a cup of cooked beans 3 or 4 days a week.
Fish is not only good for your heart is good for your gut, too. This is because end-3 fatty acids help to think that tree, report scientists from Iceland. The study, dieters who ate salmon felt Fuller 2 hours than those who either do not eat seafood or had cod, a fish with little fat. The researchers found that eating foods high in end-3s (such as to the left) higher blood levels of leptin, a hormone that promotes satiety. Hate fish? Take fish-oil capsules daily - one with 500 milligrams of end-3s EPA and DHA. It offers the same benefits such as salmon.
Instead of juice, reach for the moo juice in the morning. Drinking milk at breakfast can help you eat less at lunch, Australian scientists say. In their study, overweight people who downed about 2 1 / 2 cup of skim milk in the morning immediately 8.5 percent fewer calories to an all-you-can-eat lunch spread to people who drank the same amount of juice. Both beverages had equal number of calories, but the milk contained 25 grams of protein while the juice is almost no protein and 63 grams of sugar. Might be large servings, but the principle remains: protein helps you feel in the morning Fuller.
For thousands of great tips like these, be sure to download the Eat This, Not! iPhone app-it like having your own personal nutritionist always your fingertips!
Source: http://health.yahoo.com

Many people who want to quit or stop smoking, but I do not know what the best way to start. Some say, let's face it feels like to smoke, and let the image of smoking pleasure to invite you. For some others, thus contributing to disrupt their plans.
If you still intend to stop this bad habit, there are other ways for you to try.
According to research from Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, menguhal have to do with the foods you eat. He finds it hard to quit if you always eat the following foods:
* Meat
* Coffee
* Alcoholic beverages
Enjoy coffee, alcohol, or a steak, like cigarettes seem even more delicious, so you should avoid. While foods that make cigarettes so I enggak well in the mouth so they want to stop this is to:
* Fruits
* Vegetables
* Dairy products, including yogurt and cheese
* Do not drink soda like water and juice
The researchers could not explain the reason behind this discovery, but they estimate that food can alter the production of saliva and it changes the flavor for a while, which makes cigarettes taste less good.
Want to try? There was no harm in trying.
Source: kompas.com

Ideally, the water we drink must be clear, taste, smell, and contains minerals. Proper water consumption must be free of harmful substances like heavy metals, nitrates, bacteria, viruses or infectious agents.
Water that comes from the bowels of the earth is in principle possible to use.
But rising sea levels and causing contamination of groundwater is no longer included in the category of consumption. To meet the needs of water, now water it consumes each day are made from a river or lake that is processed in such a way that is free from harmful substances before it finally empties into the house.
The World Health Organization (WHO), there are several types of pollutants that can be carried out in water, namely:
- Mikroorganiseme, such as bacteria, parasites and viruses. Most bacteria and parasites can be killed by the chlorine contained in the process of purifying water. Unfortunately the virus is more resistant and difficult to be removed.
- Mineral poisons, such as aluminum, arsenic, asbestos, Florine, nitrates, or mercury, can be found in tap water. Usually relatively small, but pollution from industrial and mining can make a number of toxic minerals increases.
- Organic compounds, such as remains of animals, pesticides, oil, paint, or hair.
- Radioactive materials such as uranium or radiokatif gas in very small quantities can be found in pure water.
- The remains of the chemicals used to treat water in a clean river water.
- Microbial contamination of water and water carried on a random distribution.
Contaminated hazardous materials may be carriers of disease transmission, such as cholera, typhoid or hepatitis A. Therefore, do not forget to consume clean water and cooked until done.
Source: kompas.com

Long, is known as coconut benefit-rich plants. Almost no part of the coconut trees that are not useful for life.
But too often do not understand people who use any part of the coconut. Coconut water as it is just a waste, because confused memanfaatkanya. Coconut water, when it is very effective for health and fitness.
Well .. coconut water, which is not wasted, you need to know what properties and utility. Seven reasons why it should drink coconut water:
1. Coconut milk is more nutritious than whole milk (whole), since it contains no cholesterol and low fat content.
2. Coconut water can enhance circulation and known to cleanse the digestive tract.
3. Coconut water will not only make your immune system is better, but also helps the body fight disease BEB erapa, causing viruses.
4. If you suffer from the disease of kidney stone, make it a habit to drink coconut water regularly. The habit of drinking coconut water will mambantu dissolve kidney stones and to facilitate their exit from the body.
5. Coconut water is also known from ancient times to cure urinary tract. One cup of coconut water to relieve the pain of urination difficult.
6. If you're still feeling a hangover, no one can recover quickly, in addition to consuming coconut water.
7. Coconut water feels very soft and rich in potassium electrolytes. Potassium helps the body regulate blood pressure and cardiac function body.
Source: kompas.com

Drinking tea may be beneficial to health. But we all sections, in addition to a healthy body, tea is also beneficial to the health of the home. Cleaning stains wooden furniture, flooring, to tears. Tea can fertilize roses in the yard.
Cleaning wood furniture
Wooden furniture looks dull or stained! Using tea to clean it. Unlike the use of chemicals, tea is safe for wooden furniture.
Time produced tea bags quart bag with warm water, or adapt to the needs. Allow some time to cool. Take a soft cloth dipped in a solution of tea and juice.
Use this cloth to clean the surface of wooden furniture. Then dry with a dry cloth.
Cleaning floors
Seduhan tea water can clean and restore gloss floor. Same way to clean the furniture. Prepare a solution of water and tea. Am car and dip the rag in the tea water seduhan. Then mengepellah, as usual.
Fertilize roses
Instead of providing chemical fertilizers, use of sludge from tea to fertilize roses in the yard. After drinking tea, do not lose weight. Sprinkle the tea residue on the ground or planting media. Then shower as usual. Acidity in the sediments of tea can be good for planting food plants need protection.
Remove saucepan Tang
Fry fish and seafood are often left in the pot Tang. With a precipitate of tea, the stench can be eliminated. Time, wash pan with water and soap. Then use a pan to boil the tea residue. Let stand for about 20 minutes. Then discard the cooking water sludge tea and wash the pan as usual.
Source: kompas.com

According to the survey, green grass jelly are effective control of high blood diseases. Substances contained in the green grass jelly can be used as a drug maker, also be used as beverages.
Latin names of plants Cyclea barbata and are included in the tribe sirawan-sirawanan (Menispermaceae) leaves were studied that contains carbohydrates, polyphenols, saponins, flavonoida and fat. Calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A and B are found in leafy green grass jelly.
Grass jelly efficacy research to treat high blood pressure diseases have been made in 1966 by prof. Dr. Sardjito, Dr. Rajiman and Dr. Bambang Suwitho the Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. In this study, patients were given fresh leaves Cincau 5 grams of powder with 150 cc of boiling water and then drained. Juice was given to the patient to be taken twice daily.
The survey was conducted in patients with high blood pressure with age over 40 years. The results of the patients blood pressure decreased significantly. One patient aged 70 years and his blood pressure decreased 215mm/120mm achieve 160mm/100mm blood pressure one month after consuming grass jelly. Complaints dizziness, fatigue and often stagger away and lose weight.
In addition, the fiber in grass jelly is too high. Research conducted by the Nutrition Directorate of the Ministry of Health to reveal grass jelly is 6.23 grams per 100 grams of fiber in the gel Cincau.
This means that if Grass jelly is consumed along with fruits and vegetables daily may be sufficient to meet the daily requirement of 30 grams of fiber, which may contribute to the fight against degenerative diseases such as coronary heart disease. Meanwhile, the calories contained therein E 122 calories and 6 grams of protein.
Other benefits of green grass jelly
1. Heat in the stomach, high blood pressure
Imagine Cincau 20 green leaves and then washed. Knead and give 1 cup cold water and then filtered with a cloth. Add lemon juice to taste. Leave in a cool place until the agar-agar. Place in a glass and give the honey or syrup, liquid sugar or palm are cooked with Pandan Lali drunk.
2. Dysentery
Do one course, as stated in number one. Used for one week in a row.
3. Sprue
Do it with a meal, as stated in number one for 5 to 7 days in a row.
4. Ulcer
Providing enough green grass jelly leaves. Wash powder and then placed in suppurating part. This efficient removal of pus.
5. Fever
Take Cincau rhizome plants, wash and finely chopped. Boil enough water. Drinking potions after cooked. In the rhizome can be boiled in hot water to taste and drink.
Source: kompas.com
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