Cleaning wood furniture
Wooden furniture looks dull or stained! Using tea to clean it. Unlike the use of chemicals, tea is safe for wooden furniture.
Time produced tea bags quart bag with warm water, or adapt to the needs. Allow some time to cool. Take a soft cloth dipped in a solution of tea and juice.
Use this cloth to clean the surface of wooden furniture. Then dry with a dry cloth.
Cleaning floors
Seduhan tea water can clean and restore gloss floor. Same way to clean the furniture. Prepare a solution of water and tea. Am car and dip the rag in the tea water seduhan. Then mengepellah, as usual.
Fertilize roses
Instead of providing chemical fertilizers, use of sludge from tea to fertilize roses in the yard. After drinking tea, do not lose weight. Sprinkle the tea residue on the ground or planting media. Then shower as usual. Acidity in the sediments of tea can be good for planting food plants need protection.
Remove saucepan Tang
Fry fish and seafood are often left in the pot Tang. With a precipitate of tea, the stench can be eliminated. Time, wash pan with water and soap. Then use a pan to boil the tea residue. Let stand for about 20 minutes. Then discard the cooking water sludge tea and wash the pan as usual.
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