Energy drink on the market in general, contain caffeine and taurine. Judging from its structure, the two compounds were not the source of energy molecules. In addition, energy drinks contain too much sugar that it can increase the energy. Combination materials in energy drinks may stimulate the central nervous system to trigger the reactions of metabolism (energy production) in the muscle.
Mechanism through neural activation that produces the acceleration of heart rate to pump blood and oxygen, while stimulating increased blood sugar levels. This reaction will be more active with the addition of vitamins.
Unfortunately, the resulting energy was temporary, nothing more than a few hours. Therefore, more appropriate energy drink called energy stimulant.
Which must be understood is a side effect of the content of energy drinks. For example, high sugar content can cause obesity. In addition, caffeine has several effects, such as faster heart rate, blood pressure increases, and increases blood flow to the muscles. It is certainly dangerous for people with heart disease.
If you want to add energy as they often feel tired or lack of concentration, consider choosing a healthier way to restore energy. For example, by getting enough sleep, moderate exercise, or eating nutritious foods. This strategy not only to produce energy, but also maintain the physical and psychological fitness in the long run.
Source: kompas.com
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