Latin names of plants Cyclea barbata and are included in the tribe sirawan-sirawanan (Menispermaceae) leaves were studied that contains carbohydrates, polyphenols, saponins, flavonoida and fat. Calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A and B are found in leafy green grass jelly.
Grass jelly efficacy research to treat high blood pressure diseases have been made in 1966 by prof. Dr. Sardjito, Dr. Rajiman and Dr. Bambang Suwitho the Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. In this study, patients were given fresh leaves Cincau 5 grams of powder with 150 cc of boiling water and then drained. Juice was given to the patient to be taken twice daily.
The survey was conducted in patients with high blood pressure with age over 40 years. The results of the patients blood pressure decreased significantly. One patient aged 70 years and his blood pressure decreased 215mm/120mm achieve 160mm/100mm blood pressure one month after consuming grass jelly. Complaints dizziness, fatigue and often stagger away and lose weight.
In addition, the fiber in grass jelly is too high. Research conducted by the Nutrition Directorate of the Ministry of Health to reveal grass jelly is 6.23 grams per 100 grams of fiber in the gel Cincau.
This means that if Grass jelly is consumed along with fruits and vegetables daily may be sufficient to meet the daily requirement of 30 grams of fiber, which may contribute to the fight against degenerative diseases such as coronary heart disease. Meanwhile, the calories contained therein E 122 calories and 6 grams of protein.
Other benefits of green grass jelly
1. Heat in the stomach, high blood pressure
Imagine Cincau 20 green leaves and then washed. Knead and give 1 cup cold water and then filtered with a cloth. Add lemon juice to taste. Leave in a cool place until the agar-agar. Place in a glass and give the honey or syrup, liquid sugar or palm are cooked with Pandan Lali drunk.
2. Dysentery
Do one course, as stated in number one. Used for one week in a row.
3. Sprue
Do it with a meal, as stated in number one for 5 to 7 days in a row.
4. Ulcer
Providing enough green grass jelly leaves. Wash powder and then placed in suppurating part. This efficient removal of pus.
5. Fever
Take Cincau rhizome plants, wash and finely chopped. Boil enough water. Drinking potions after cooked. In the rhizome can be boiled in hot water to taste and drink.
Source: kompas.com
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