Most of the trigger cephalalgia attacks are destined foods, much as red wine, caffeine, cheese, and oranges. Foods that contain Vaso-active amines that can increase the blood vessels, causing a cephalalgia for some people.
In many cases, migraines are caused by this chemical reaction than an allergic response. However, in some patients small, is the main trigger food allergies.
Sometimes cephalalgia triggers also come from a combination of various factors, much as stress, fatigue, PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome), and hungry, or destined foods. To avoid this, the British Migraine Association suggested to prevent blood dulcify levels decrease as the distance between each meal apart.
Eat a little, but often. Avoid sweet foods, like chocolate. Instead, choose vegetables and fruits. Also it's good intake snacks late at period to prevent cephalalgia attacks in the morning. Do not be late for breakfast.
Here are some notes from Alicia Hunter for cephalalgia sufferers.To Avoid:
- Drink the intoxicant comes from, much as red wine, port wine, sherry (angggur drinks that taste sweet), and beer.
- Tea, coffee, cola, chocolate.
- Cheese.
- Citrus and production juices.
- Extracts of yeast.
- Long beans, banana, avocado.
As a successor:
- White wine.
- Tea or coffee that does not contain caffeine and herbal tea.
- Soft cheese, yogurt, and fromage frais (a cheese made from goat's milk).
- Apples and pears.
Need to Look For:
- Make a note if attended by a cephalalgia attack or if other symptoms recur after intake destined foods or beverages.
- If the cephalalgia attacks related with menstruation, avoid foods which cause a week before the menstrual period.
- If you have a habit of crapulence red wine, change it with high quality. Research shows that red intoxicant is very expensive to reduce attacks.
- For those who often experience cephalalgia attacks in the morning, should eat a snack before bed that night.
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