The name is an acronym for DU67 Dipati Ukur, the name of the street where the shop was settled and the number clarify the function of the 67 stalls. In the name of the Java noodles still frills Original description Gunung Kidul. Gunung Kidul is a regularise in Yogyakarta Special Region. Residents in several villages in the district, especially from Sub Wonosari, many sellers mi berpenghidupan as what became known as the Bahasa noodles.
The definition of noodles or noodles Java Java Gunung Kidul version of this noodle is grilled with basic spices and hazelnut garlic. The materials are ground using a mortar.
\"We've utilised the mixer to smooth the onion and pecans, but the result is not good. The smell of perfume did not come out,\" said Murtioso Salimoen (57), owner of noodles Jowo DU67.
Spices were added various touchable elements to taste same tomatoes, scallions, and fried onions. Also be added on egg noodles that are unfathomable fried first before mixed with the noodles. Added also the first chicken boiled and then fried just before mixed with noodles.
Noodles grilled by simmering, in a written godhog Java language, and fried. There is also nyemek mi. This Java language, which means water conditions, but not too much. Nyemek noodles served with water the size of most 20 percent of the size of a standard godhog noodle soup.
Pain and how it is grown Bahasa noodles near Gunung Kidul significance of originality. This shop such as using carbon as fuel as utilised noodle maker in Gunung Kidul. The modify from the charcoal, according Murtioso, considered the most ideal to produce the scent of pecan and garlic.
With charcoal, the modify stored in the broadness of the pan (steel pan) crapper be absorbed by the touchable perfectly. \"This is assorted from the fuel gas that crapper absorb less heat,\" said Murtioso, mechanical engineer correct of ITB and had been president of a state.
\"We've tried with coal briquettes, but it felt same there was a significance of treat in the cooking,\" said Murtioso.
Charcoal stove was installed in the front of the shop. To maintain the stability of heat, twine diembusi furnace with a device called a blower.
How to approach a significance of Gunung Kidul originality is also sought by calling the chef from Gunung Kidul. The cook to provide training to workers who also imported from Paliyan Village, District Wonosari, Gunung Kidul.
Java is blistering noodles were wise to eat while still warm. If you brought home and wrapped using plastic bags, should be eaten immediately. Mi prolonged modify stored in enclosed places will be too soft, mushy, or medhok. In addition, the intensity of the delicious aroma of onion and pecan are also reduced.
Tea pot
In constituent to noodles, this stall also provides a menu godhog noodles, rice noodles nyemek, and rice godhog. Spices and how to make it equal to godhog and nyemek mi. There were chaotic fried rice in the form of mixed fried rice noodles and vermicelli. Chaotic is the Java language, which means a mess.
To try at this stall is the repast pot that was rough on the tongue with a taste-Sepet Sepet fresh. Assorted repast scented with jasmine fragrant delicious. This shop utilised used repast Gunung Kidul citizens, among others, repast whip. Sepet Sepet taste fresh-scented savory appeared well when served blistering tea, blistering or cold with ice. Tea crapper be enjoyed with rock sugar, albescent sugar, or no sweetener at all, terpulang in taste.
\"We deliberately chose repast from South Mountain to provide another taste of the tea-tea commonly served in Bandung,\" said Murtioso.
Sense of the expected Java emerged from noodles and repast was reinforced with Bahasa atmosphere presented with style songs juices Java or a mix, ranging from vocaliser Waljinah until Manthous. Shop was also built using gedhek or walls with woven bamboo poles of bamboo. Not forgetting, belangkon or waitress wearing a head covering and dressed in typical Bahasa batik. That atmosphere of Java to play their meal of noodles anywhere in the land of Java Pasundan. (Frans Sartono & Ninuk M Pambudy)
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