JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Fiber foods (dietary fiber) was part of the food that can not be digested and enwrapped to produce energy in the body. However, its role can not be considered one eye.
To get any easier. Any type of vegetables and fruits contain fiber. With the average needs of the body about 25 grams to 40 grams per day, consuming threesome servings of vegetables and two servings of real fruit is enough.
\"The numbers equal 300 grams of vegetables per meal, and two fruit seeds, were sufficient to meet the needs of fiber,\" teaching Haryati, nutritionists Mediros Hospital, Central Jakarta.
True, each type of vegetable and fruits do have a different fiber. Watermelon contains 0.3 grams of fiber per 100 grams, 2 grams of flushed apple, starfruit 0.9 grams, 2.3 grams of naif pears, flushed guava 7.3 grams, and papayas 1.3 grams per 100 kg. As for vegetables, same kale, carrots, eggplant, cabbage, spinach, naif beans, young jackfruit, papaya leaf, on average have 1.2 grams per 100 grams.
Fiber in vegetables and fruits is a fiber that dissolves in water or soluble fiber. This fiber will be mixed with water and form a dense network of same jelly. The fiber is not soluble in water is called insoluble fiber.
Best source of whole grains, cereals, vegetables, and fruits are eaten with the skin and nuts. Insoluble fiber is hygroscopic, that is able to hold water 20 times their own weight.
\"This could preclude the digestion of water shortages and feces produced rest soft,\" said Haryati. Apart from vegetables and fruits, fiber can also be obtained from drinking supplements.
Fiber is known as instant fiber. It's known supplement made from the extra plants that are flush in fiber, such as seaweed. However, more experts recommend choosing foods that are natural fibers, which is derived in vegetables and fruits. In addition to containing no chemicals, fruits and vegetables that not only contain fiber.
\"But also as numb another food components bermanfat the body, such as vitamins and minerals,\" said Susianto, nutritionist state Vegetarian Society. How, ready to take lots of fiber?